
Diatrype: New records from Andaman Islands and a checklist from India

M. Niranjan#, Vemuri Venkateswara Sarma*

Department of Biotechnology, Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Puducherry – 605014, India, #Present address: Department of Botany, Rajiv Gandhi University, University Road, Papum Pare, Arunachal Pradesh – 791112, India

*Corresponding author, email[email protected]

The fungal genus Diatrype, belonging to the family DiatrypaceaeXylarialesSordariomycetes, was explored during a study conducted in the Andaman Islands, India, from 2015 to 2018. Six fungi belonging to the genus Diatrype were identified, including D. buteae M.S. Patil & S.D. Patil, D. ilicina Lar. N. Vassiljeva & S.L. Stephenson, D. stigma (Hoffm.) Fr, D. stigmaoides Kauffman, D. subundulata Lar. N. Vassiljeva & H.X. Ma, and D. syzygii Narendra & V.G. Rao. These findings represent new records of these fungal species from the Andaman Islands, India. This paper provides detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations of these species.

Niranjan M, Sarma VV (2020) Diatrype: New records from Andaman Islands and a checklist from India. MycoAsia 2020/02.

Submission History
Received: 30.01.2020
Accepted: 30.05.2020
Published: 31.05.2020

Editorial Team
Handling Editor: Dr. B. Devadatha

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