Author Guidelines
Thank you for considering submitting your research to MycoAsia. We highly appreciate your interest. To ensure that your manuscript meets our formatting requirements and includes all essential components, we kindly request your adherence to the following guidelines, which are of utmost importance.
Types of Submissions
Research Article: We invite comprehensive research papers that align with the purview of MycoAsia. These articles should present original research findings, methodologies, and analysis related to the field of mycology.
Review Article: We encourage critical analysis of existing data, specific topics, burgeoning fields of research, or crucial public interest issues in the realm of mycology. Review articles should provide valuable insights, synthesis of current knowledge, and potential directions for future research.
Case Study: We welcome submissions that present detailed and insightful analyses of specific cases related to mycological phenomena. Case studies should highlight unique aspects, challenges, and lessons learned from real-world scenarios.
Short Communication: We invite concise and impactful reports that present significant findings or advancements in mycology. Short communications offer a platform for rapid dissemination of noteworthy research, preliminary results, or novel methodologies.
Opinion or Perspective Article: MycoAsia values diverse viewpoints and welcomes opinion or perspective articles that discuss emerging trends, controversies, or innovative ideas in mycology. These articles should provide thought-provoking insights and stimulate discussions within the scientific community.
Book Review: We invite thoughtful and informative reviews of recently published books or monographs related to mycology. Book reviews should critically evaluate the content, relevance, and contributions of the publication to the field.
Manuscript Structure
Page Limit: While there are no specific page limits for your manuscript, we encourage authors to present their papers concisely. It is important to consider the depth and scope of the scientific information being presented when determining the appropriate length.
Introduction: Keep the introductory material concise, limiting it to a few paragraphs. Avoid repeating results that have already been presented in figures and tables.
Sections: Ensure that your manuscript is well-organized into distinct sections to facilitate easy navigation and comprehension for readers. Each section title should be followed by a 3-point space, providing a clear visual separation between sections. Please note that the abstract does not require section numbering.
Double Spacing: Maintain a double-spaced format for your manuscript text and incorporate continuous line numbering. This formatting aids readability and facilitates the review process.
Page Numbers: Including page numbers is essential for effective peer review. Please make sure that page numbers are included in the manuscript, positioned at the right bottom corner of each page.
Paper Dimensions and Margins
Paper Size: Please use A4 size paper for your document. A4 size, which is 8.27 inches by 11.69 inches or 21 cm by 29.7 cm, is the standard paper size commonly used for scientific manuscripts.
Margins: It is important to maintain consistent margins throughout your document. Ensure that the margins are set to a minimum of 1 inch (2.54 cm) on all sides. This allows for sufficient white space and ensures that the content is visually balanced on the page.
Font and Typography
Font Type: It is recommended to use a clear and legible font such as Times New Roman for your manuscript. This font is widely used in academic and scientific publications, ensuring readability and consistency.
Font Size: Maintain a consistent font size of 12 points throughout the entire manuscript. This standard size provides optimal readability and ensures that the text is easily accessible to readers.
Use of Italics: When emphasizing certain words or phrases, use italics instead of underlining. Italics are more visually pleasing and are commonly accepted in academic writing as a means of highlighting important information.
Use of Quotation Marks: For direct quotes, utilize double quotation marks. For quotes within quotes, employ single quotation marks. This helps to distinguish between different levels of quotation and ensures clarity in the presentation of quoted material.
Subheadings: If necessary, you can utilize subheadings to categorize and organize the content of your manuscript. Subheadings assist readers in navigating through different sections and enhance the overall structure and coherence of your work.
Title Page
Informative Title: When choosing a title for your manuscript, aim for a succinct yet informative description of the content. The title should capture the essence of your research and provide readers with a clear idea of what to expect from the paper.
Affiliations: Include the affiliations of all authors beneath their names. Use lowercase superscript letters to denote different affiliations if there are multiple authors from different institutions. Additionally, provide complete postal addresses for each affiliation, including the country. It is also important to include the email addresses of all authors for contact purposes.
Corresponding Author: The corresponding author should be the same person as the submitting author. This author will be responsible for handling all correspondence related to the review and publication process. It is crucial to ensure that the corresponding author is readily available to address any queries or provide additional information as needed.
Word Limit: When writing the abstract for your manuscript, aim to encapsulate your research in a concise manner, typically within a word limit of 300 words. This restriction ensures that the abstract remains focused and provides a succinct overview of your work.
Outline of Work: The abstract should clearly outline the research objectives, main results, and key conclusions of your study. It serves as a summary of the most important aspects of your research, allowing readers to quickly grasp the essence of your work without delving into the full paper.
Avoiding References and Non-Standard Abbreviations: It is important to refrain from including references or non-standard abbreviations in the abstract. The abstract should be self-contained and understandable even without prior knowledge of specific references or abbreviations. However, if you must use any abbreviations, ensure that you define them within the abstract to aid readers’ comprehension. This ensures that the abstract can stand alone as a concise summary of your research.
Number of Keywords: Provide a list of 5 keywords that are relevant to your research and are not already included in the title. Keywords play a crucial role in indexing and discovering your manuscript, making it easier for readers to find your work in search engines and databases. Select keywords that accurately represent the main themes, concepts, or variables explored in your study. Including distinct keywords that are not already mentioned in the title helps to provide a comprehensive overview of the key aspects covered in your research
Figures and Tables
Align Center: Ensure that each figure is centered within the manuscript, with a caption placed directly beneath it. This alignment provides a visually appealing layout and helps readers easily associate the caption with the corresponding figure.
Resolution: It is essential to maintain a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch) for all figures included in your manuscript. This resolution ensures that the figures appear clear, crisp, and of high quality when printed or viewed digitally.
Caption: Each figure should have a caption that consists of a concise title followed by a description of the figure. The caption should provide enough information for readers to understand the content and significance of the figure without referring back to the main text.
Minimize Text: When including text within figures, keep it to a minimum. Excessive text can clutter the figure and make it challenging to interpret. Additionally, provide explanations for all symbols and abbreviations used in the figure, either within the figure itself or in the figure caption. This helps readers comprehend the figure’s content without confusion.
Editable Text: When submitting tables for your manuscript, it is important to provide them as editable text rather than images. This allows for easier formatting, editing, and accessibility by readers.
Numbering Tables: Number your tables consecutively in the order of their appearance in the text. This numbering system helps readers locate specific tables and ensures proper referencing within the text.
Table Notes: If there are any specific notes or explanations related to the table, include them below the table body. This allows readers to easily access additional information relevant to the data presented in the table.
Avoid Duplication: Avoid duplicating data that is already presented in the main article within the tables. Tables should provide new or supplementary information that enhances the understanding of the research findings.
Avoid Vertical Rules: It is recommended to refrain from using vertical rules (vertical lines) and shading in the cells of your tables. The absence of vertical rules and shading creates a cleaner and more professional appearance. Instead, utilize appropriate spacing and clear headings to differentiate and organize the data within the table.
Supplementary Files
Separate Files: When submitting your article, include all supplementary files, such as applications, images, sound clips, or any other supporting materials, as separate files. These supplementary files should be submitted along with your main article for review and publication.
Original Format: Submit each supplementary file in its original format. For example, if you have an Excel file, save it as a .xlsx file, and if you have a PowerPoint file, save it as a .pptx file. By preserving the original file format, the supplementary files will appear online exactly as they were received, ensuring accuracy and fidelity to the original content.
Caption: Provide a concise and descriptive caption for each supplementary file. Captions help readers understand the content and purpose of each file. A well-written caption provides context and enables readers to navigate and comprehend the supplementary material effectively.
Changes in Supplementary Material: If changes to the supplementary material are required at any stage of the publication process, submit an updated file that incorporates the necessary revisions. It is important to avoid annotating corrections on previous versions to maintain clarity and accuracy.
Deactivate Track Changes: Before submitting Microsoft Office files such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, make sure that the “Track Changes” feature is deactivated. Track changes and other editing marks should not appear in the published version to ensure a clean and professional presentation of the supplementary material.
At the end: Include a separate section at the end of your article specifically for acknowledgments. This section should precede the references and serve as a space to acknowledge individuals or organizations that have provided assistance, support, or contributions to the research or the publication process.
List All: In the acknowledgments section, make sure to list all individuals who have contributed in any meaningful way to the research. This includes individuals who have provided technical, intellectual, or logistical support, as well as those who have contributed to data collection, analysis, or interpretation. Recognizing their contributions is a way to show appreciation for their assistance and recognize their involvement in the project.
Funding Sources
List all Funding Sources: When listing funding sources for your research, it is important to adhere to a standard format. Provide a comprehensive list of all funding sources that have supported your research. This includes grants, scholarships, fellowships, or any other financial support received from external organizations or institutions. Clearly state the name of the funding source and any associated grant or award numbers, if applicable.
“No Funding” Statement: If your research did not receive any funding, it is essential to include a statement to that effect. This statement indicates that the research was conducted without financial support from any external sources. This transparency ensures that readers are aware of the funding status of the research and eliminates any potential confusion or assumptions.
Declaration of Competing Interest
Declare: It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to disclose any financial or personal relationships that could potentially influence their work. This declaration ensures transparency and allows readers and reviewers to assess any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from such relationships. By disclosing these relationships, the corresponding author upholds the integrity of the research and maintains the trust of the scientific community. It is important to provide accurate and complete information regarding any relevant financial or personal associations that could impact the interpretation or objectivity of the work.
Journal Articles with DOI
Author(s) (Year) Title of the article. Journal Name Volume:Page range. DOI.
Smith JD, Johnson AB (2022) New discoveries in fungal ecology. MycoAsia 10:123–145. DOI: 10.XXXX/XXXXX
Journal Articles without DOI
Author(s) (Year) Title of the article. Journal Name Volume:Page range. Retrieved from URL or Database Name.
Brown C, Lee S (2023) Insights into fungal diversity. MycoAsia 11:45–67. Retrieved from
Author(s) (Year) Title of the book. Publisher. Page range.
Adams RM (2021) Fungal Taxonomy and Classification. MycoAsia Publishing. Pp. 1–25.
Author(s) or Organization (Year) Title of the webpage/document. Website Name. Retrieved from URL
MycoAsia (2023) Guidelines for Authors. MycoAsia Journal. Retrieved on 23.06.203 from
Data References
Author(s) or Organization (Year) Title of the dataset. Database or Repository Name. DOI or Retrieved from URL
Johnston LA, Parker MR (2022) Fungal Diversity Dataset. MycoDB. DOI: 10.XXXX/XXXXX
Preprint References
Author(s) (Year) Title of the preprint. Preprint Server. DOI or Retrieved from URL
Miller T, Davis R (2023) Novel Approaches to Fungal Genomics. bioRxiv. DOI: 10.XXXX/XXXXX
Please refer to recent articles of MycoAsia for guidance.
Final Checklist
Verify Files: Before submitting your manuscript, ensure that all necessary files have been uploaded successfully. Check that you have included all required documents, such as the main manuscript file, supplementary files, figures, and tables.
Check Manuscript Components: Review your manuscript to confirm that it includes all the essential elements. Check for the inclusion of keywords, figures, tables, and their respective captions. Ensure that these components are accurately placed within the manuscript.
Verify Citations: Cross-check that the citations of figures and tables in the text correspond correctly to the files provided. Verify that each citation accurately points to the corresponding figure or table.
Spell and Grammar Check: Perform a thorough spell check and grammar check on your manuscript to ensure accuracy and readability. This step helps in eliminating spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and typographical errors.
Reference Consistency: Double-check the consistency between your Reference List and the citations in the text. Ensure that all references mentioned in the Reference List are cited within the text, and vice versa. This consistency is crucial for proper attribution and academic integrity.
Permission for Copyrighted Material: If your manuscript includes any copyrighted material from external sources, make sure you have obtained the necessary permissions and correctly acknowledged the source. It is important to comply with copyright regulations and give appropriate credit to the original authors or publishers.
Competing Interest Statement: Include a competing interest statement that discloses any financial or personal relationships that may influence your work. This statement promotes transparency and allows readers to assess any potential biases or conflicts of interest.
Referee Suggestions and Contact Details: Provide referee suggestions and their contact details as required by the journal. Follow the journal’s guidelines for suggesting potential reviewers who could assess the suitability of your manuscript for publication.
Plagiarism Check: Ensure that the content of your manuscript is plagiarism-free by conducting a thorough plagiarism check. Use reliable plagiarism detection tools to confirm that the similarity index is below the acceptable threshold (usually less than 10%).
Download the Author Guidelines (PDF). For further assistance, please send an email to [email protected].